Summer Camp

Robotics for All Virtual STEM Classes

We offer both 8-week virtual Computer Science courses for grades K-8 as well as tutoring for school courses at all grade and skill levels (K-12). We believe in the importance of equal and accessible educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their backgrounds, so we offer all of our services...

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Game Lab High School Summer Institute

The UCLA Game Lab Summer Institute introduces high school students to game-making as a form of artistic practice, teaching them the techniques and tools that will help them develop analog and digital games that reflect their own creative voice and vision. No previous game-making skills are required, but students with...

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Summer outreach program that brings together a group of 15-20 highly motivated high school students in an instructional course introducing them to neuroscience. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of neuroscience and basic lab techniques in Molecular Neurobiology, Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy.

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Summer Institutes

UCLA Pre-College Summer Institutes provide highly-motivated high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while advancing their skill set in one area of study. During these one- to three-week concentrated programs, students experience lectures, hands-on learning, field trips, group projects, and other activities that provide an intensive and engrossing...

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Summer Camp at UCLA Lab School

Taught by UCLA Lab School faculty, our classes are designed to actively involve children in the learning process. They provide a boost in science, math, reading, writing, social studies and art, all in the context of a nurturing, caring and fun environment. Our campus adds to the enjoyment by offering...

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UCLA Recreation

UCLA Recreation Youth Programs offers a wide variety of summer camps for grades K–12. Located at UCLA, the camps emphasize each child’s needs and personal development within a group setting. Activities for younger children feature cooperative play and include indoor/outdoor games, arts and crafts, swimming, and field trips.

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